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Please note, if you have purchased a ticket for the first shows of the original dates in London, Dublin and Copenhagen then your tickets will be valid for the first shows of the rescheduled dates. If you purchased tickets for the second show then ticIt is only possible to retain an Avast Care subscription if you request this at the time of cancellation and you have at least one other valid Avast subscription. For example, if you ordered Avast Premium Security plus Avast Care, a single refund forSingle ticket:€18 Reduced (children 6-11): €5 Children under 6: free The ticket is cumulative, valid for 6 days and allows access to the Cathedral, Cathedral Dome, Giotto's Bell Tower, Baptistry, Crypt and the Opera Museum.Our customer relations team are experiencing high volume of incoming contacts at the moment. As a result of this, our response time may be longer than usual. We would like to reassure you that our customer relations teams are working hard to reduce tThe box office opens one hour before the first evening screening and closes 30 minutes after the last screening begins. In the mornings and afternoons, the box office opens 30 minutes ahead of each screening. You can reserve your tickets by phone at